Station: [17] The Museum Workshop

A long work table, and all around along the walls – numerous individual workplaces equipped with tools and machines. We've now arrived in the workshop. Down here, visitors can roll up their sleeves and have a go! They can hammer and fold, roll bend, emboss and rivet to their heart's content, because this is where we hold workshops that allow anyone to try their hand at the traditional techniques of the metalworker and the coppersmith.

We have short films detailing most of these techniques, and you're welcome to watch on the screens at the workplaces, or on your smartphone. And if you want to become a real metalworking professional, then come along with us! We'll be introducing all the work stations, starting front left, right next to the stairs.


All depictions: © Europäisches Klempner- und Kupferschmiedemuseum, Foto: Klaus Hofmann