Station: [7] Besenfelder the Grocer

F: The way it works these days is: here a click, there a click – and your virtual shopping cart is full to the brim. Quickly pick your payment option, and then you can sit back in comfort and wait for the delivery. In the past, if you needed something, you didn't click your way across the internet. You simply went to Besenfelder's. 

M: The small shop on Bahnhofstrasse, diagonally opposite the Pädagogium, sold anything and everything: food, screws, paint, detergents, cables, light bulbs, mousetraps, vases, toys and all the other things you needed in your daily life. It was the very best kind of general store. 

F: The shop was founded by Alois Besenfelder. There's a portrait of him, his wife and his daughter Liselotte on the wall here. But most local people will mainly remember his son-in-law, a certain Mr Sommer. He took over the business later. But the name Besenfelder remained until the end. As did the dark wall units with the little drawers.

Fotos: © Jürgen Bahnmayer