Current News

Card of the Duchy 2015

Castelli del Ducato di Parma e Piacenza - Castles of the Duchy 05. Apr 2015

A special "Castles of the Duchy Card" to accompany you on your trip: you can buy it for 2 Euros in every Castle box office; it is valid for one year from the date of purchase. It entitles you to get discounts in ancient lodgings and typical restaurants and on entrance to strongholds and manor houses, with the exception of Bobbio and Torrechiara Castles.
News of 2015: Pallavicino Castle in Varano de’ Melegari and Malaspina Castle in Gambaro are our new members!
These discounts cannot be combined with other promotions.



Castles & Kids: 120 educational activities and creative worshops for children, families, schools

Castelli del Ducato di Parma e Piacenza - Castles of the Duchy 05. Apr 2015

Art and kitchen creative workshops, thematic guided tours, educational offers, entertainment: over 120 educational activities available in the Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza. Every castle offers to pupils of preschool, primary school and above - new interactive ways to experience the Castle as protagonists and discover history, habits, and traditions. It’s a way to know both ancient times and talk about contemporary ones. 
You will do treasure huntings, court old plays, know legends and myths. You can experience the life of ancient knights and noble ladies. You will meet the characters of King Arthur’s legend, as well as Elisabetta Borbone’s and Maria Luigia of Austria’s. Don’t miss the Fairy-tale Park and Fantasy Days, the english guided tours and the naturalist tours in the woods. You can attend classes of archeology, fresco, contemporary art, mosaic, photography, comics, portrait, papier-mâché and low relief. You can play with riddles and ghosts, inside strongholds and fortresses, or discover flowers and fruits in their gardens, animals in the farms, symbols and heraldry aming emblems and grotesques.

Also available: outdoor pic-nics and medieval lunches, naturalist walks along the rivers closed to the castle, guided tours in the historical villages, city camps, educational activities also during the weekend for group or families, offers for summer grests, summer camps, Scout groups (offers to be agreed with the single castle).

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