Station: [112] The Upkamer (Upper Chamber)

F: A narrow board with four steps leads up into the Upkamer. It's at a somewhat higher level, because it makes room for a small, low-pitched cellar immediately below.

M: Take a look at your screen. If you release the brake on the thick rope supporting a big chunk of rock and let that rock descend to the floor, it raises a trapdoor and opens up the steps into the cellar. Vegetables and bottled produce could be stored down there along with salted hams.

F: The steps just behind the trap door lead up to a loft where threshed grain was stored. Threshing was carried out in the hall, and then the grain was packed into 80 kilogramme sacks and had to be dragged up the narrow steps and then spread out to carry on drying. At some point, the grain was filled back into the sacks, dragged back down, loaded onto a cart and taken to the mill – which was all seriously hard work!

M: The sleeping alcove bed in the upper chamber was probably where the senior maid slept – by farmhouse standards, it was almost a luxury, because in here, she had some privacy behind a closed door!

Fotos: © Tanja Heinemann