Station: [707] The Boat Store

M: The long-established farmers not only managed the Ammerland region's fields and woodlands, but also the lake with its many inflows and outflows. Traps and nets were set, eels, shrimps and carp were caught, the reeds were cut.

F: And for all that, you needed some kind of water craft. This was usually just a simple boat, but it had to be cared for and maintained. The boat store is right on the lake's southern tributary, called the Speckener Bäke, where it served as a shelter for the boat: a kind of parking space with immediate access to one of the lake's tributaries.

M: And on a Sunday in summer, when for once, there was no need to work – who knows? – You might even take your little fishing boat out for a trip on the lake.

Fotos: © Tanja Heinemann