Station: [808] Carpenter's and Shoemaker's Workshop

F: Woodworking and shoemaking represent all the many activities that were carried out – sometimes in makeshift style by farmers and farmhands, occasionally by trained craftsmen.

M: While carpenters mainly worked outside in the open, joiners and shoemakers maintained well-equipped workshops with numerous specialist tools that allowed them to carry out even complex work. Vices and clamps in a range of sizes, for example. Or the sole press in the shoemaker's workshop.

F: Have you noticed the large glass sphere hanging from the frame of a paraffin lamp? A shoemaker's lamp like this one probably hung in many a workshop where detailed work was involved. Filled with water, it focussed the ambient light in the room like a lens and could be used to light the work area specifically. Combined with a light source, as in this case, the sphere multiplied the available light and acted like a second lamp.

Fotos: © Tanja Heinemann