Station: [814] Spinning and Weaving Group

F: Every Wednesday afternoon, Specken Museum becomes a hive of activity. Roughly a dozen cheerful women meet in these rooms and indulge their passion for: spinning and weaving.

M: The group has been around for more than four decades, and yet the weavers have lost none of their enthusiasm. How do I dress a loom? How do I calculate the warp required? How do I thread the loom to achieve particular patterns? Should I wear shoes at the loom, or will socks or stockings do? Over the years, the women have accumulated a wealth of invaluable experience which they're happy to share with anyone interested in the crafts of spinning and weaving.

So if you've always wanted to learn the ancient skill of weaving, just drop by here on a Wednesday afternoon. To find out more, please contact the Local History Society's office.

F: And of course men are equally welcome!

Fotos: © Tanja Heinemann