Station: [901] The Ammerlandhus

F: Not far from the windmill, the Spieker and the Farmhouse is the Ammerlandhus, where the Local History Society has its office and its archives. It also hosts the meetings of some of the committees and groups that epitomise the range and diversity of the association's extensive activities.

M: First and foremost are the various dance groups. For generations, they've been learning and performing the Ammerland folk dances and keeping them alive. Folk dancing is a very old tradition that was always passed on to the younger generations. But as in many other fields, numbers of new participants have declined over the time. Together, we'd like to try to maintain this wonderful tradition and pass it on to the following generations. From the very youngest – the infants – to children and teenagers, and not excluding the adults: everyone is welcome in the folk dance groups! You can find out more right here, in the Ammerlandhus.

F: We perform our dances at various events in the Ammerland region and beyond. A round dance called Lanzer, a kind of quadrille called Suennros, or the Anvil Polka – the Ammerland's traditional dances have even made it to Fifth Avenue in New York.

Fotos: © Rita Schreiber