Museum Kunst der Westküste

Hauptstraße 1, 25938 Alkersum, Germany

How to find us:

Hauptstraße 1
Zip, City
25938 Alkersum
#Kunst #Galerie

(EC, Creditcarts)


In 2009, the non-profit Museum Kunst der Westküste was endowed by the entrepreneur, Prof. Dr. mult. h.c. Frederik Paulsen, whose family is from Alkersum on the island of Föhr. Centrally located in the village of Alkersum, it builds on the history of “Grethjens Gasthof”, the former village inn where artists from Germany and Denmark as well as islanders used to stop by even in the nineteenth century. The idea of bringing this social and artistic meeting place to life again was behind the founding of the museum and the new construction of the present-day museum restaurant and café.

The museum makes the high-quality West Coast Art Collection accessible to the public, while at the same time providing an attractive architectural setting for the presentation of selected loans from Germany and abroad. As a result of its ambitious exhibition programme the museum has quickly developed into a cultural beacon with international reach.

The Museum Kunst der Westküste is a non-profit museum which opened in Alkersum/Föhr in the summer of 2009. It collects, researches, communicates, and exhibits art reflecting on the themes of sea and seaside. Its focus is on art of the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries from the west coast countries of the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, and Norway.

We present our collection in special exhibitions, allowing classical and contemporary art to enter into a fruitful dialogue.We promote scholarship and maintain close contact to artists, collectors, museums, art dealers, and institutions.We make a valuable contribution to the cultural identity of the North Frisian coastal region and to the intercultural dialogue between the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, and Norway.We fight for art and aesthetic education to be a priority in social consciousness.We are a cosmopolitan, service-oriented, and family-friendly museum aimed at all age groups and walks of life.


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getting there

Car parking
Connection public transport

Our museum has

Loan Rollers & Rollers
Guided tours and group offers


Entrances and paths to the building

  • Access stairless


  • Disabled toilet




Neue Schätze im MKdW. Von Max Liebermann bis Jochen Hein. Gesprochen von Vincent Ellmers.

Das Museum Kunst der Westküste konnte seine Sammlung in den vergangenen fünf Jahren um mehr als 200 bedeutende neue Werke, darunter Erwerbungen ebenso wie Dauerleihgaben und Zustiftungen, erweitern. Mit der Konzentration auf Malerei und Grafik, die unter dem Generalthema „Meer & Küste“ in den vier Ländern Norwegen, Dänemark, Deutschland und in den Niederlanden zwischen 1830 und 1930 geschaffen wurden, versammelt die weltweit singuläre und sehr homogene Kollektion damit aktuell über 900 Arbeiten. Auch internationale zeitgenössische Kunst, die demselben Themenspektrum verpflichtet ist, spielt eine wichtige Rolle.

In der Ausstellung tritt eine Auswahl der „neuen Schätze“ in Verbindung mit Werken, die bereits länger zum Sammlungsbestand gehören. Die Zusammenstellung vermittelt, wie bedeutende Sammlungsschwerpunkte weiter ausgebaut werden konnten. Großen Raum nehmen Gemälde und Ölskizzen des deutschen Impressionisten Max Liebermann ein. Farbintensive Nordsee- und Hafendarstellungen von Erich Heckel bringen expressionistische Kompositionen ein. Neben den Skagen-Malern Michael Ancher und Christian Krohg sind Künstler aus Nordfriesland wie Hans Peter Feddersen und Emil Nolde mit eindrucksvollen Landschaftsdarstellungen vertreten.

Monumentale Gemälde von Jochen Hein zeigen im Bereich der Gegenwartskunst die unerschöpflichen Möglichkeiten, die die Gattung Malerei rund um das Thema Meer bereithält. Fotoarbeiten der Artists in Residence Mila Teshaieva und Anja Jensen befragen die insulare „Heimat“ neu.


New Treasures at the MKdW. From Max Liebermann to Jochen Hein. Read by Sarah Thomas.

In recent years, the Museum Kunst der Westküste has been able to add more than 200 major new works to its collection. These include acquisitions as well as permanent loans and donations. With its focus on paintings and prints devoted to the overall theme of “sea and seaside” in the period from 1830 until 1930 in the four countries of Norway, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, the unique and very homogeneous collection currently assembles more than 900 works. International contemporary art focusing on the same range of subjects also plays an important role. The exhibition combines a selection of “new treasures” with works which have been part of the collection for some time. This juxtaposition allows us to see how focal areas of the collection have been expanded. Prominently included are paintings and oil sketches by the German impressionist Max Liebermann. Colourful images of the North Sea and ports by Erich Heckel add expressionist compositions. The exhibition also features impressive artworks by the Skagen painters Michael Ancher and Christian Krogh alongside landscapes by North Frisian artists like Hans Peter Feddersen and Emil Nolde. In the field of contemporary art, monumental paintings by Jochen Hein reveal the inexhaustible possibilities painting offers with regard to the subject of the sea. Photographic works by the artists in residence Mila Teshaieva and Anja Jensen re-examine the insular "heimat".

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