Pfalzmuseum Forchheim

Kapellenstr. 16, 91301 Forchheim, Germany

How to find us:

Kapellenstr. 16
Zip, City
91301 Forchheim
09191-714 -375


Opening times
November - März: Mittwoch, Donnerstag 13.00 - 16.00 Uhr, Sonn- und Feiertage 13.00 - 17.00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung.
Vom 1. Adventssamstag bis zum 06. Januar und in der Oster- und Passionszeit gelten Sonderöffnungszeiten!
April - Oktober: Dienstag - Sonntag 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung.
Admission charges
Erwachsene 5,00 € p. P.; Schwerbehinderte, Studenten und Schüler 3,50 € p. P. (Bitte Ausweis mitbringen!). Kinder unter 6 Jahren frei. Kinder von 6 - 12 Jahren 2,00 € p. P. und Familien 9,00 €.
Schulklassen 2,00 € p. P.; Gruppen ab 10 Personen 3,50 € p. P.; Führungen für Schulklassen 20,00 €, zzgl. 2 € p. P.; Führungen für Erwachsene zum Kennenlernen des Hauses 45,00 €, zzgl. 3,50 € p. P.

(EC, Creditcarts)

Kinder unter 6 Jahren frei, Kinder von 6 - 12 Jahren 2,00 €

9,00 €

3,50 €


Disabled person
3,50 €

Special combinations

Annual pass

Members of the Museums Associations
Archäologische Staatssammlung München, Deutscher Museumsbund, Museen Fränkische Schweiz


In the heart of Forchheim's historic old town lies one of the most culturally and historically interesting buildings in the entire region: the Kaiserpfalz - a palace built for a former Prince Bishop of Bamberg. This monument of national significance is one of the most important secular buildings in southern Germany.

The picturesque palace from the 14th century is known today mainly for its precious late Gothic wall paintings. In the east wing, the Kaiserpfalz houses the Forchheim Pfalzmuseum with three separate divisions: 1300 square meters of permanent exhibition area and about 500 square meters for variable usage provide space for the Archaeological Museum of Upper Franconia, Forchheim’s Municipal Museum and the Museum of Traditional Costume and for temporary special exhibitions. In addition, only a few steps away, the "Red Wall Adventure Museum" is open to the public on Sundays at Wallstraße 19.

The Archaeological Museum of Upper Franconia, a branch of the Archaeological State Collection in Munich, provides visitors with an insight into the important archaeological landscape of Upper Franconia in prehistoric times:

More than 600 outstanding exhibits, such as cult objects, weapons and jewellery, bear witness to the cultural richness of the region from the Stone Age to the dawn of modern times.

In addition, the Museum of the History of Forchheim and the Museum of Traditional Costumes of Franconian Switzerland are located in the Pfalzmuseum Forchheim: Visitors are led along an interesting walk through the 1200-year history of the town which takes them back into the past with enactments, multimedia and hands-on activities.

In the Traditional Costume Museum, visitors are presented with a lovingly arranged collection of original traditional costumes from Franconian Switzerland, which documents the diversity and different functions of this extraordinary clothing.

The Red Wall Adventure Museum is a unique museum about the history of the  fortifications. The visitor learns about the history of Forchheim’s fortress in one of the  bastions built in the 16th century and still preserved in its original state. The adventure museum appeals to all ages with productions, text panels and audio descriptions that tell the story of everyday life in a besieged town.

The Kaiserpfalz - Imperial Palace is now a "cultural palace": special exhibitions, concerts, theatre, an arts and crafts market and an extensive range of museum educational activities make the Kaiserpfalz a place of learning and communication.

Place on the map


Special educational offers for

Families with children
Familienführungen, Nachtwächterführungen, Kindergeburtstage, Kindergartentag, Grundschultag
Adolescents, pupils
Trachtenrallye, Am Anfang war das Feuer… - Zurück in die Steinzeit, Die Kelten kommen - Asterix & Co., Tabula Rasa - Caesar & Co., Zeitreise: Von der Steinzeit zu den Römern, Ein Tag im Mittelalter - Spurensuche, Handwerk hat goldenen Boden - Blütezeit der Zünfte, Kaufleute, Handwerksmeister und Kirche - Mittelalter hautnah, Wir drehen am Rad der Geschichte - In Zeiten des Krieges, Hört Ihr Kinder und lasst Euch sagen - Mit dem Nachtwächter durch Forchheim, Schanzzeug, Samt und Stulpenstiefel
Führungen, Workshops, museumspädagogische Programme
Führungen, Workshops und Familienprogramme
Seniorenführung, Führungen, Workshops und Familienprogramme
Disabled person
Audioguide, Fahrstuhl, behindertengerechter Eingang

getting there

Car parking
Parkhaus Kronengarten Bambergerstr. 9, 91301 Forchheim Volksbank Cityparkhaus Paradeplatz, 91301 Forchheim (von April 2016 bis Mai 2017 wegen Sanierung geschlossen) Annafest P+R Parkplatz FO Süd Boschstraße, 91301 Forchheim
Bus parking
Andreas-Steinmetz-Straße, Ruhalmstraße
Connection public transport
Mit der Bahn ist Forchheim über die Hauptrouten Nürnberg oder Bamberg (Haltestelle Bahnhof Forchheim, Nahverkehrsbereich) erreichbar.

Our museum has

Baby changing facilities
In unmittelbarer Nähe in der Innenstadt
Note regarding pets (if necessary, dog care on the spot)
Hunde nicht erlaubt
Notes on using your smartphone or cameras
nicht erlaubt
Guided tours and group offers


Entrances and paths to the building

  • Access stairless
  • Dooe width (in cm) 87 cm
  • Marking of step edges

Lifts in the building

  • Access stairless
  • Elevator with tactile font / announcement
  • Elevator door width (in cm) 100 cm


  • Disabled toilet

Labeling of the exhibition

  • Acoustically accessible exhibition objects
  • Tactile accessible exhibition objects

Guided tours to permanent and special exhibitions

  • Tactile / audio tours
  • Barrier-free Audioguides
  • Educational programs for visitors with learning difficulties

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