The baroque castle of Bürgeln is considered a gem of the Markgräflerland. In 1125, Werner von Kaltenbach bequeathed his property to the monastery of St. Blasien with the stipulation that a monastic settlement be built on the Bürgler Berg. After several fires and devastation during the Peasants´ War and the Thirty Years´ War, the current baroque building was built in 1762 (master builder of the order Anton Bagnato). After the provostship was dissolved in 1803, Bürgeln became state property of Baden. In 1920, the Bürgeln League acquired the property, since then called "Schloss", in order to save it from decay. Since then, the castle has been under the care of the Bürgeln League, which has restored and maintained it with great commitment and with the help of membership fees and donations.