Stadt.Land.Kultur. > Eibenstock, Stadt >

Ehemaliges Königlich Sächsisches Amtsgericht Eibenstock


The attractive building opposite the tower entrance of the church reveals its former function through the inscription. It used to be the "Lower Free Court", one of three estates endowed with special freedoms. It stood on the "Ring", the medieval centre of Eibenstock.In 1835, the court moved into the spacious baroque building, which has had its permanent seat in Eibenstock since 1832. A remodeling gave the house its current appearance. From 1851, this district court was supervised by Auerbach, Klingenthal, Schneeberg, Schwarzenberg, and Johanngeorgenstadt. In 1873, the Eibenstock district court was dissolved and subordinated to the Zwickau district court and already in 1874, it was integrated into the newly created chief district office of Schwarzenberg. From 1879, the Eibenstock court office became the Eibenstock local court.The grim prison tower from 1843 still stood in the courtyard until 1987. Since 1970, the tots of the "Sparrow House" daycare center have taken over the venerable building.