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Visionaries: Creating a Modern Guggenheim

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 13. Jul 2017

<p>Curator Megan Fontanella introduces &quot;Visionaries: Creating a Modern Guggenheim,&quot; an exhibition featuring over 170 modern works from the Guggenheim&rsquo;s collection. &quot;Visionaries&quot; focuses on six pioneering collectors and patrons who brought to light some of the most significant avant-garde art of the late 19th through the mid-20th centuries. Visitors to the exhibition will learn about the museum&rsquo;s founder, Solomon R. Guggenheim, and his wish to create &ldquo;a monument of our own time.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> On view February 10&ndash;September 6, 2017, &quot;Visionaries&quot; includes works by such iconic artists as Alexander Calder, Paul C&eacute;zanne, Marc Chagall, Vasily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Fernand L&eacute;ger, Piet Mondrian, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, and Vincent van Gogh, among many others.</p>

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The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum – Plan Your Visit

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 16. Mar 2017

<p>Designed by visionary American architect Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1959, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is home to one of the world&rsquo;s finest collections of modern and contemporary art&mdash;and is itself a masterpiece. As you ascend the landmark building&rsquo;s grand spiral that rises toward the dome above, you will experience the Guggenheim&rsquo;s special exhibitions, featuring celebrated artists from the 19th century through the present, in an &ldquo;uninterrupted, beautiful symphony,&rdquo; just as Wright intended.</p>

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