Station: [20] Completion of "Ut mine Stromtid

F: In Eisenach, Reuter found the time to complete his trilogy "Ut mine Stromtid". And like the author himself, Zacharias Bräsig has changed: The Inspector has left the villages of Pümpelhagen, Rexow and Gürlitz behind and now lives in town, where he has joined the Reform Association and continues to fight to improve living conditions in rural areas – in his own inept fashion, of course.

M: In terms of absurdity, the speeches Bräsig makes to his friends in the Reform Association would be hard to beat. But Reuter allows the truthfulness and sincerity of this simple man to shine through despite the comic moments and clichés.

F: Following in Reuter's footsteps, an ageing Bräsig spends time at a spa and sends incredulous reports about the treatment methods to those back home. And like Reuter, Bräsig enjoys the convivial evenings among like-minded people; the time shared reading the newspaper, the discussions and schemes to change the world for the better.

M: But Reuter was weary. He was now over fifty, had led a tumultuous life and longed for peace and quiet. He felt flattered by his literary success, but found the resulting demands and expectations overwhelming, and the visits from his admirers simply burdensome.


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