Station: [1] Welcome

M: Welcome to the Heimatmuseum Lette – the Lette Museum of Local History!

We’re delighted you’ve discovered our museum.

And pleased that you're listening. Welcome to our audio guide.

We look forward to taking you on a tour of our museum – where you can find out more about mammoth milk tusks, discover the Funnel Beaker Culture, hear about the mysterious structure called the Jansburg and meet a master shoemaker called Krechting.

But first, let me say a few words about our local history society and about this building. The house was built in 1870 – originally as a school with accommodation for the teacher. It later housed a kindergarten and was used intermittently as a fire station and a builder’s yard. After Lette became part of the town of Coesfeld in 1975, a Citizens’ Advice Bureau was based here.

The first steps to establish the Lette Museum of Local History were taken in 1974. Our displays include treasures large and small along with tools, furniture and historical finds.

And now: enjoy your tour of discovery!

Photos: © Heimatmuseum Lette