Stadt.Land.Kultur. > Südlohn im schönen Westmünsterland >

Herrenhaus Lohn (1795)


The origins of the idyllically located "Haus Lohn" on the Schlinge are not definitively clarified.It is first mentioned as a manor in 1357 and was once the ancestral seat of a branch of the influential dynasty of the Counts of Lohn. The estate is not, as previously assumed, identical with the Castle Lohn (see Stadtlohn).The manor house, built in 1785 on the site of the old castle complex, is considered the only early classicist noble residence in the West Münsterland and has been privately owned by the Geuking family since 1907, who still live there today.Only external viewing is possible!Address:Haus LohnHaus Lohn 146354 Südlohn