In the middle of the 19th century, the old Lindstedt fieldstone church was extensively rebuilt, with one of those half-timbered bell towers added to it, which is typical for village churches in the Altmark. We find such tower designs at the houses of God in Berge, Hemstedt, Seethen and Wollenhagen, for example. The enlargement of the window openings took away the church's original appearance, but Romanesque remains can be seen at two bricked-up windows on the north side and at the remains of an apse in the Romanesque style repurposed around 1980. Of artistic and cultural historical value is the richly decorated sandstone epitaph of Walther Christoph H. von Lindstedt from the year 1742. Remarkable here is the crowning by a female allegorical figure. A cheerfully looking baroque baptismal angel adds a cheerful aspect. Interesting in the environment of the church are the entrance gate to the cemetery dating from the 16th century and the medieval cross of reconciliation.